Green Post Uplift Restraint

Sleeve QuoteUplift Restraint System

Green Post Uplift RestraintIn order to comply with today's safer building practices, projects such as post frame construction, outdoor pavilions and backyard decks may require Green PostTM uplift restraint system. This proprietary technique provides structural Green Post'sTM with maximum anchorage characteristics to resist post withdrawal stresses caused by natural forces such as those generated by wind load.

The uplift restraint notches are pre-applied to the post before the Green PostTM wrap is adhered to the lumber.  Green Post'sTM are ready to install - eliminating the need to fabricate the typical anchoring devices on the job site.

Contact us if you need additional technical information.

Prevent decay for structural applications requiring building code compliance such as post-frame construction, interior or exterior support columns etc.: A minimum of 8" must be exposed from the top of the Green PostTM wrap to the top of the exposed earth ("ground level"). If a concrete slab is installed, a minimum of 2" must be exposed from the top of the Green PostTM wrap to the top of the concrete surface line.

Prevent Decay for non-structural applications:
A minimum of 2" must be exposed from the top of the Green PostTM wrap to the top of the exposed earth ("ground level") or concrete surface line.

Important:  Never puncture or cut a Green PostTM wrap or sleeve. Green PostTM boot repair.

Penetration of the wrap material below “ground level” on the post by fasteners, bolts and nails is not permitted.

Fastener penetration into the wrap material is permitted 2" above the "ground level" on the post provided there is no direct exposure to weather.

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